Jr. CYO is a fun, faith-filled, social ministry for youth in grades 5-7, to experience the living Body of Christ in communion with our shepherd, our Archbishop while fostering quality youth ministry in our parish.
The Jr. CYO forms and nurtures youth as leaders in the Church for the present, as the young Church of today, and in the future as well. This is done through social events and gatherings like intramural sports, game nights, lock-ins, movie nights, and field trips to various local fun places for activities which appeal to our youth.
We also take part in and host retreats along with other religious events and celebrations throughout the year, as another aspect of Jr. CYO. Many of the events hosted and sponsored by the Jr. CYO, while directed to and for middle school students and youth in and around our parish are open to and are fun for the whole family. As a result, we tend to invite parents and siblings to join in the fun as well.
The Jr. CYO also has opportunities for doing service projects in our parish and local area as well. Often times we do so by collaborating with other parish ministries in doing charitable work by living out the Gospel message of spreading the good news and building up God's kingdom on earth. We are also a leading advocate for youth in the Catholic Church in society assuring their voices are heard in all that we do.