St. Anselm Catholic Church
Music Director
Michael Piazza
Musical Offerings:
Adult Choir
Hand Bell Ensemble
Cantor Ministry
Children’s Choir
Youth Music Ensembles
The music ministry at St. Anselm has strived to manage the changes in the operation, management, and utilization of resources associated with the music ministry in an effective and efficient way. It seeks positive collaboration with the appropriate staff and stakeholders in maintaining a vision that fits with church tradition, our unique community, and cultural diversity. The music director and music ministry participants respect each other’s differences, have honest interaction, and serve with humility, dedication, and best effort.
The leadership vision involves: 1.) formulating initiatives necessary to motivate and sustain the highest level of musical quality, 2.) developing a plan for implementation, 3.) effectively communicating that vision, 4.) building a shared commitment, 5.) assuming the responsibility for the stewardship of the program, 6.) involving others in the communication, implementation, commitment, and stewardship in an ongoing way.
The music ministry is engaged in effective teaching and professional development for all of its participants. The leadership at St. Anselm assists staff with professional development while providing feedback through observation and reflection. As a whole, it assesses the growth of the music program, and is very interested and committed to improvement. The leadership of St. Anselm hopes for an honest interaction with participants to make decisions based on impartial principled reasoning that builds a shared successful program for life.
Adult Choir
Open to men and women 18 years of age or older
No audition required / music reading skills are helpful
Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm
Adult Choir sings, on average, at one mass per week
Adult Choir sings at all the major feast day masses
and holy days of obligation
Adult Choir takes a summer break for 4 – 6 weeks
Attendance at every rehearsal and every mass is NOT mandatory for participation in the choir
Hand Bell Ensemble
Open to men and women 16 years of age or older
No audition required / music reading skills are helpful
Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm
Hand Bell Ensemble plays, on average, at two masses per month
(except during Lent and Advent)
Hand Bell Ensemble plays at most major feast day masses and holy days of obligation
Hand Bell Ensemble takes a summer break for 4 – 6 weeks
Attendance for every rehearsal and every mass is NOT mandatory for participation in the handbell ensemble
Cantor Ministry
Open to adult choir members who wish to sing at masses as a soloist or in small groupings (2 – 4 singers)
A stipend of $25 per mass is offered / $50 per mass for Christmas and Easter
Audition Required
Pre-mass rehearsal required
Open to non-adult choir members who wish to sing at masses as a soloist or in small groupings (2 – 4 singers)
A stipend of $25 per mass is offered / $50 per mass for Christmas and Easter
Audition Required
Pre-mass rehearsal required
Open to all singers who wish to sing for extra liturgical events such as weddings, funerals, and special occasions.
Stipends are paid at the going rate for such event
Singers must be approved by the music director
An audition may be required
Rehearsal may be required
Open to youth (ages 15 – 18) who wish to sing at masses as a soloist or in small groupings (2 – 4 singers)
A stipend of $25 per mass is offered / $50 per mass for Christmas and Easter
Audition Required
Pre-mass rehearsal required
Children’s Choir
Children’s Choir is formed depending on annual enrollment in the choir
Open to students in grades 2 – 8 (enrollment in August with PSR fall registration)
No audition required
Rehearsals are held on Thursday afternoons at 5:00 pm
Children’s Choir sings at mass, on average, once per month
Children’s Choir takes a summer break
Youth Music Ensembles
St. Anselm offers Junior High School and High School students opportunities to participate in music (both vocal and instrumental) at the 5 pm Sunday evening masses. We have one youth music leader that serves at those masses weekly.
Please contact them for more information.
Colin MacIver