St. Anselm invites you to a new journey in faith to share the richness of the Catholic Church and our parish family. We invite you to learn what the Church teaches, and be introduced to some of our parish members. These sessions also are opportunities for you, and others that you invite, to ask questions you may have about the Church. These gatherings are for inquirers and open to people who are unbaptized, as well as those who are baptized Christians from Protestant or Evangelical backgrounds.
If you would like further information please contact: Fr. David in the parish office.
The Sacraments of Initiation-Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist-are the foundation of the Christian life.
RCIA for Children is the preparation process for children over the age of 7 years, unbaptized or baptized in another Christian faith, to be catechized in the foundation of the Catholic faith. Once fully prepared through the RCIA Children's process, the child receives each of the Welcoming Rites and enters the Church at the Easter Vigil, fully receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion at the Holy Saturday Mass.
For a child under the age of 7 years, the Baptism process is different. Please contact the Parish Office for more details.
The origin and foundation of Christian Baptism is Jesus. Before starting his public ministry, Jesus submitted himself to the baptism given by John the Baptist. The waters did not purify him; he cleansed the waters. . . . Jesus did not need to be baptized because he was totally faithful to the will of his Father and free from sin. However, he wanted to show his solidarity with human beings in order to reconcile them to the Father. By commanding his disciples to baptize all nations, he established the means by which people would die to sin – Original and actual – and begin to live a new life with God.
In Baptism, the Holy Spirit moves us to answer Christ's call to holiness. In Baptism, we are asked to walk by the light of Christ and to trust in his wisdom. We are invited to submit our hearts to Christ with an ever deeper love.
Source: United States Catholic Catechism for Adults